The National Arms and Ammunition Collectors Confederation of South Africa (NAACCSA)
Formed in 2003 to represent and protect the interests of all Stakeholders concerned with the bona fide collecting ofArms and Ammunition, and is accredited under the Firearms Control Act (FCA 2000)
South African Gunowners' Association (SAGA)
whose sole purpose is to represent the interests of all people who embrace the principles of safe and responsible ownership and usage of firearms for sport, recreation, hunting and self-defence.
National Rifle Association
The National Rifle Association is America's longest-standing civil rights organization.
Firearms South Africa
We provide you with exciting content firearm legalities, gun rights, training, the newest firearms, their accessories, how (not) to use them and when (not) to use them.
Gun-Owners of South Africa
Gunsweek review of Firearms Developed And Manufactured in South Africa
International publication, Gunsweek, reviewed our heritage book "Firearms Developed and Manufactured in South Africa."
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